This paper views the human being as a complex organization of energy. Good health is a result of the harmonious balance of energy within the human vehicle, while ill health occurs as a result of energy imbalance in the body system. It describes the etheric body of man and its seven centers and explains their role in the maintenance of health. It describes the Electro-magnetic therapeutic kit (ETK) and explains how it can be used to achieve good health through the right balancing of the energy systems.
In the 1990s, the recurring theme of "Health for All' by the year 2000 A. D showed that we were approaching a period of universal harmony. Associated with this theme of health for all was the emphasis on food, shelter and education for all by the same period; three things whose deficiency influence the harmonious condition of man. Food deficiency distorts the chemical equilibrium, lack of shelter affects the thermal equilibrium, while ignorance blocks the mind thus leaving the individual in a state of dangerous and unverifiable superstition. The introduction of the primary health care (P.H.C) is a plausible innovation in health care delivery aimed at fulfilling the goal of health for all. This approach utilizes both curative and preventive techniques, primary among which is the education of the people towards more hygienic condition of living. Prior to the introduction of the P.H.C. two forms of health care delivery were available to the people; viz: therapeutic western medicine and African traditional medicine. While orthodox western approach provided palliative measures through chemotherapy and surgery. African traditional medicine provided remediation through homeopathy and innovation. The bed-rock of orthodox medical practice is the assumption that the human being is merely a physical body. African traditional medicine recognizes the substantial nature of the human bogy but also believes in its less tangible counter-part to which has been given the name "spirit" in many local dialects. The claims of western medicine have been proved beyond all reasonable doubts, but the second claim of African traditional medicine remains largely unsubstantiated. It is not the purpose of this paper to encourage the raging feud between these two systems of health delivery. Rather, in the search for 'health sufficiency' all forms of innovations in health delivery should be encouraged and investigated. One of such innovations in health delivery is the rayolgical view point of regulating the human energy system to produce that condition of harmonious balance of energy known as health.
To draw attention to this innovation, the paper will therefore present the basic postulates of rayological therapy. It will also describe the electro-magnetic therapeutic kit designed by the author as an off-shoot of his rayological researches.
Basic postulates of rayological Therapy:
Many view-points can be obtained about the concept of disease or ill-health. Orthodox medical practice views as disease as a result of infection of the body systems or organs by microbes. Such invasion usually leads to the secretion of anti-bodies to destroy the invading agents. if the auto-combating mechanism of the body is efficient, then the invaders are destroyed and health is restored. If the degree of invasion is large, the struggle becomes sustained, tension is developed (illness) and external aid is solicited. This is usually given in the form of chemotherapy or in cases of secondary complications by surgery.
Another viewpoint of illness is the biochemical viewpoint. Biochemical principles define disease from the composite words; dis-ease which means absence of or lack of ease. Ease s further defined as harmony or equilibrium, hence disease is perceived as a condition of lack of harmony. Elaborating on the definition, the biochemist explains that the body is maintained by osmotic principles due to the presence of twelve basic tissue salts in specified proportions. Any condition which leads to a deficiency or excess of any of the tissues salts can give rise to disease or lack of harmony
Both perspectives agree with the rayological viewpoint of disease except that much of the work done has been limited to the outer visible reality (or illusion), the physical body. From the rayological viewpoint, Bailey (1953) explains that 'all disease is caused by lack of harmony - a disharmony to be found existing between the form aspect and the life aspect'. While supporting the biochemical viewpoint of disease as a disharmony, Bailey introduces a distinction between form and life, a distinction which complicates discourse in the present era of scientific empiricism, for form refers to matter while life refers to spirit, and the existence of sprit at the present stage of human evolution remains largely unsubstantiated.
However, for the purpose of this work let us borrow one of the contributions of science which confirms that all manifestations in nature is energy. Thus three categories of energy become distinguishable; that which is built into forms, which which constitutes the medium are those in the process of animating both the forms and their environing substantial media. This differentiation of energy into 3 aspects gives rise to the triplicate of matter physical (Body), consciousness (Soul) and life (or Spirit). The difference between these three categories of energy lies in the rate of vibration of the constituent atoms. It has become necessary to mention this differentiation of energies because herein lies the foundation for the three basic postulates of the rayological view point which can be surmised as follows:
I. Man is made up of bodies which are visible and non-visible. These bodies include the dense physical, etheric, astral or emotional, and mental body or mind.
II. The physical body is an automaton which receives energy, for its functioning, from the soul through the etheric body, hence it is a result of the conditions existing in the more subtle bodies of man, specifically, the etheric body.
III. Human health therefore depends upon the relationship between the soul, the etheric body and the physical body.
Since the soul is intangible and may not be responsive to present-day scientific investigations and manipulations it is therefore necessary to carry out investigation on the ethretic body if it can bring more abundant health to man. Let us, therefore describe the ethretic body, its mechanism and its role in the maintenance of human health.
The Etheric Body
The etheric body has been describe as an energy form, subtle and intangible yet substantial, which controls, governs, and conditions the Jouter physical body. Thus human and non -human beings; animals, plants, animate and inanimate objects, big and small, possess the etheric body which merges into that of the earth and of the solar system. Bailey (1953) describes it as a web of energy streams or lines of force and of light which constitute part of the vast network of energies which underlies all forms, whether great or small. Along these lines of energy the cosmic forces flow, as blood flows throw the veins and arteries.
Anderson (1979) explains that the operations of the physical organism depends upon the efficiency and that human health is conditioned by the cells of the etheric body. Remember that the etheric body is subtle, intangible, yet substantial; manifesting itself as radiatory lines of light and force. To the clairvoyant, the etheric body is visible as a luminous outline of pale golden colour radiating outwards in every direction. (Anderson,1979). To non-clairvoyant vision, the etheric body is similarly visible when viewed through a glass prism. You will notice the definite outline of the human form and how it is submerged into the etheric web of the earth, maintaining contact and continuity with all other energy forms.
Another method of seeing the etheric body is through the use of the Kilner screen, a screen comprising two pieces of glass between which is poured a solution of dicyanin. Anderson (1979) mentions that when the radiation of the etheric body are strong and healthy, they can get rid of germs and infections through their strength and vitality, but in ill-health, the etheric strength is depleted, unable to absorb the correct amount of energy, and the radiations appear to the diagnostician as drooping lines. Herein lies the keys to heath through rayological therapy. Firstly, that the radiations get rid of infections when they are strong, may be due to what Sir Clifford Allbut, President of the British Medical Association described in the Literary digest of February 26, 1921 as the ability of the body cells to "educate themselves to vibrate in harmony with a microbe before dissonant" or due to “mutual inter-change and co-adaptation".
The second key is that the etheric body may lose its power to absorb the correct amount of energy, suggest that a person has to contain and maintain a certain energy level. This assertion is supported by the works of Dr. Albert Abrams, an Amercian physician who devised instruments with calibrated dials to enable him measure disease reactions and intesities in terms of energy (Czernek, 1989). Anderson (1979) explained that diseased organs show a dullness or patchiness of colour, a dullness which could be due to lack of energy or vitality, thus confirming the work of Adams. If the physical body receives strength and vitally from the etheric body, how is the energy transported from the etheric to the physical body? This question introduces the concept of the nerve centers.
The Centers and the Glands
Rayological view point explains that there are seven major centers on the etheric body whose presence results in the development of the glands on the physical body. Thus energy passes into the physical body through these points of contact known as the glands. The functions of the glands in maintaining body health such as In growth, follicular development, regulation of blood water level, calcium level, blood sugar level and blood water pressure, as well as the procedures would have almost been abherent without the glands. However, rayology maintains that the glands are physical plane correspondences of the etheric centers. The description of the centers and their positions are given in table 1 below:
Table 1: Showing the Names of etheric Centers, Corresponding
Glands Position on the Body and Approximate position
on the Spine.
Table 1: Showing the Names of etheric Centers, Corresponding
Glands Position on the Body and Approximate position
on the Spine.
Name of Center
Position on the body
Position on the spine
1. Head
2. Brow
3. Heart
4. Throat
5. Solar plexus
6. Sacral
7. Root
Upper brain
Between the eyes.
Over the Heart
At the throat
Over the navel
Over the spleen
Base of spine
8th cervical
3rd cervical
8th Thoracic
4th Sacral
Glands Position on the Body and Approximate position
on the Spine.
Name of Center
Position on the body
Position on the spine
1. Head
2. Brow
3. Heart
4. Throat
5. Solar plexus
6. Sacral
7. Root
Upper brain
Between the eyes.
Over the Heart
At the throat
Over the navel
Over the spleen
Base of spine
8th cervical
3rd cervical
8th Thoracic
4th Sacral
Table 1 - Adapted from C.W. Leadbeater (1927): The Chakras, pg.4
Thus vitality enters the body through the etheric centres. However, each of the centers is specialized to absorb energy only of a particular frequency which conforms to the seven colours of the spectrum. Each of these colours carries with it a particular quality and potency and is described as a ray. These rays have been painstakingly discussed by Bailey (1936. 1942, 1951, and 1960). Sometimes, a particular energy center may lie dormant in he individual and so cannot absorb its wave-length of energy, thus depriving the individual in that ray. When this happens, physiological disorder resulting in an illness may occur. About this Bailey (1953) explains that primarily all physical disease result from:
1. Wrong stimulation, or over stimulation or wrongfully placed stimulation and of inner tensions in some part of the mechanism.
2. Inhibitions, psychical starvation, and those accumulated subjective forces which dam the flow of the life forces.
Diseases associated with each of the centers are tabulated below:
Table 2: The Centers and Associated Diseases
Associated Disease
Solar Plexus
Cardiac and Stomach troubles
Metabolic disorders and certain
Nervous disorders, Gastritis and
liver trouble
Heart diseases and tumours
The social disease like syphillis, ghonorrhea, and perhaps AIDS, occurred in Lemurian days due to the over-stimulation of the center through the wrongful use of the sex impulse. Cancer is described as a disease of inhibition which occurred in the Atlantean days from the attempt to withhold the sex energy and thus preserve self from the Lemurian scourge. It is towards the removal of such inhibition of the centers and the regulation of excessive stimulation that rayological therapy based on electro-magnetic therapeutic kit which promises to be a cure all instrument has been designed.
Adapted from A. A. Bailey (1953): Esoteric Healing, pg. 51.
The Electro-magnetic Therapeutic Kit (ETK):
Prior to contact with rayological literature, the author had already witnessed cases of health remediation due to contact. In practicing contact therapy, it has been found that much of its applications conform with the principles of rayology in many of its forms. Individual practice spans a period of about 10 years and has proved remarkably successful in minor and major cases as well as acute and chronic illnesses. Some of the successes recorded include migraine, fever, and loss of consciousness, gastric disorders and infective colitis. Cases of referral for orthodox treatment have also proved the efficacy of the contact theapy. However, this system of health management is energy-dissipating, requires personal attention and promotes chances of transfer of the illness from the patient to the therapist. Consequently the ETK has been designed to reduce the chances of transfer and simplify the treatment procedure after diagnosis.
The ETK is a simple on-off circuit made by connecting each pole of an electric cell to a bar around which an induction coil has been wound. The positive pole is connected to the solar plexus of the patient while the negative is connected to the diseased organ. Thus immersed in the energy field of the patient, an electromagnetic circuit is completed. Current flowing through the solar plexus to the other centers vivifies the energy center simultaneously, a wave of current flows from the inhibited center into the native pole of the circuit thus causing a diffusion pressure gradient which directs in-coming currents to that particular center. The magnitude of current coming to the center re-vitalizes and vivifies it, leading to the distribution of vital life force to the diseased tissue. Sustained application helps the organ or tissue to regain its strength and to eradicate or vibrate in harmony with the diseased organism.
Parallel validity for the ETK:
It is pertinent to note that the Etk has not been produced, and therefore, not tried. It has only been created, mentally. Its design conforms to the known principles of electro-magnetic therapy; hence its efficacy is not in doubt. Bailey (1953) hints that:
Electricity in relation to human ills,Is as yet an infant science, but it has the gems of the new techniques and methods of healing.…. Medicine is entering slowly into a new usefulness. Once the cause of disease is shifted out of an organ or bodily system into a more subtle and vital realm, we shall see radical and needed changes, leading to simplification and not a greater complexity and difficulty.
Much work is being done today in the application of electricity to health management. Some of these include the Electroencephalograph EEG), the Electrocution therapy (ECT) and the Galvanometer. The EEG is used in measuring brain waves as transmitted through the cranial nerves; the ECT is used in the treatment of schizophrenics while the galvanometer is used in measuring skin conductance as a manifestation of anxiety. None of these is used in relation to the centers since their main focus is on the physical body.
A parallel study of the centers has been described by Artley (1989) which shows that the centers can be electrically conducted. Artley and his group have recorded tremendous success through the use of the 'Rare Gas Cylinders' According to Arltey, when a bar magnet is placed upon a cylinder containing a particular rare gas, the gas emits an electro-magnetic radiation corresponding to the wave-length of a particular etheric center. When this gas-magnet combination is placed near the corresponding etheric center, it clears away the blocks in the center and thus increases its activity. Artley (1989) however reports that in some cases, rudiments of the blocks are left at the spine of the individual while the center on the body surface open up. This may be due to the low penetration power of the electro-magnetic radiation used in their study. When a medium electro-magnetic radiation having higher penetrating power is used, the possibility of clearing away the blocks at the surface and at the spinal center can be envisaged.
Psychological Applications;
Sigmund Freud posited that man is animalistic, instinctive, irrational and unable to control his affairs because of the demands of the id, He suffers undue anxiety because of the conflict between the demands of the pleasure seeking, id and the censorship of the moralistic super-ego. To curb his anxiety, man resorts to one or more of his many forms of defense mechanisms. These result in many cases of socio-personal adjustment problems witnessed among growing children, adolescents and adults.
Rayological studies categorize the centers into two groups; viz: those above the diaphragm – head, brow, throat and heart; and those below the diaphragm - solar plexus, sacral and root. Since each center has its particular quality and attribute, the condition of the centers tend to influence human behaviour. For instance, a person whose heart center is active is charactised by impersonal group love, while the right activity of the solar plexus expresses as aspiration and right direction. There seems to exist a relationship between Freudian psychology and the functioning of the centers. For instance, individuals whose dominating centers are those below the diaphragm tend to be impulsive, instinctive and animalistic, thus expressing behaviours which charactise the id. Individuals whose dominating centers are above the diaghram tend to be moralistic and characterized by the qualities of the super-ego. Appropriate regulation of the centers through the right application of rayological principles can therefore help to control the impulse and eliminate much of the social and psychological adjustment problems which children, adolescents and adults encounter in the world today. The precipitation of the id-superego conflict into curable and incurable insanities can also be prevented thus helping our society from man-power wastage.
This paper has attempted to explore the basis of diseases from the rayological point of view. It supports the medical and biomedical viewpoints of disease and extends the frontier of medical practice to the etheric body. It shares in the opinion that a right understanding of the basic causes of diseases will lead to a simplification of health management. It describes the ETK (Electromagnetic Therapeutic Kit) which has been designed to certify the postulations of rayological therapy. Rightly handled, the ETK will be efficacious in the management of a wide array of somatic and psychosomatic disorders, including psychological maladjustment behaiour. It should be noted that this paper does not pretend to explore all the causes of illnesses on our planet since certain illnesses are manifestations of group effect.
Anderson, M. (1979): Colour Healing, Northampshire, The Aquarian Press.
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of estoteric Psychology, Seven Ray Institute, USA, Vol. 5, No. 2,
pp. 28-40.
Bardon, J. (1976): initiation into Hermotics, western Germany Dieter
Bailey. A. (1922): The Consciousness of the Atom, London, Lucis press ltd.
Bailey. A. (1950): Telepathy, and the Etheric Vehicle, London, lucis Press ltd.
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Czerneck, J. (1989): “21st Century Medicine - Radionics: An Introduction”
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5, No.2, pp. 41-44.
Leadbeater, C.W. (1927)The Chakras, illinois, The Theosophical Publishing
*This paper was first presented at the National Association for Health Education Teachers in Benin, Nigeria in 1992. The authour wishes to invites useful comment and contributions from knowledgeable researchers which can stimulate further studies in this area.The authour is a lecturer in Psychology at the University of Benin, Nigeria.
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